May 18th, 2020

The Pros and Cons of In-Service Retirement Plan Rollovers

Should you withdraw and reinvest your retirement plan money while you are still employed? Did you know you might be able to take some or all of the money in your 401(k), 403(b), or 457 plan and roll it over into another type of retirement account? Were you aware that you could do this while … Continue reading “The Pros and Cons of In-Service Retirement Plan Rollovers”

May 13th, 2020

The Nifty Fifty and Overweight Tech Stocks

The interesting thing about index funds, which is not discussed enough, is that when a stock or a sector posts dramatic gains, it can become an outsized part of the total index. Investors who buy the index are buying that stock or sector at very high valuations—which may nor may not end well. The chart … Continue reading “The Nifty Fifty and Overweight Tech Stocks”

April 23rd, 2020

The Coronavirus Pandemic and Your Retirement Accounts—What You Should And Should Not Do

Most economists expect the Coronavirus outbreak to cause a recession. Since many people made bad financial investment decisions in the last recession, it is important to remind ourselves of what we should and should not do.  First, pause with gratitude if you have a retirement account—nearly half of workers do not. If you don’t have … Continue reading “The Coronavirus Pandemic and Your Retirement Accounts—What You Should And Should Not Do”

April 16th, 2020

Roth IRA Conversion in the Era of COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken up nearly every aspect of American life. To say it’s been a difficult time would be an understatement.  However, difficult times may open doors to new possibilities. Businesses are changing their ways of operating, and individuals are exploring new avenues for investment. It may be time for Middle-Class Millionaires to … Continue reading “Roth IRA Conversion in the Era of COVID-19”

April 3rd, 2020

Key Provisions of the CARES Act

Recently, the $2 trillion “Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security” (“CARES”) Act was signed into law. The CARES Act is designed to help those most impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, while also providing key provisions that may benefit retirees. To put this monumental legislation in perspective, Congress earmarked $800 billion for the Economic Stimulus Act … Continue reading “Key Provisions of the CARES Act”

March 30th, 2020

How Coronavirus-Fueled Investment Losses May Help Cut Your Taxes

Your portfolio may be in the red, but your tax planning just might be in the green – if you know how to work those losses. Anxiety around the spread of coronavirus, along with recession fears, have sent major stock indexes into a tailspin. While selling out of the market altogether could hurt your long-term … Continue reading “How Coronavirus-Fueled Investment Losses May Help Cut Your Taxes”

March 25th, 2020

Does Leaving Maryland Purely for Tax Reasons Really Make Sense?

Many of our Montgomery County clients dream of moving to a lower-cost area of the country when they retire in order to stretch their retirement savings out further. In particular, they envision saving thousands of dollars every year in taxes by moving to a state with no state income tax like Florida, Texas, or Nevada. … Continue reading “Does Leaving Maryland Purely for Tax Reasons Really Make Sense?”

March 16th, 2020

When a Windfall Comes Your Way

What do you do with big money? Sudden wealth can help you address retirement saving or college funding anxieties, and it may also allow you to live and work on your terms. On the other hand, you’ll pay more taxes, attract more attention, and maybe even contend with jealousy or envy. You may also deal … Continue reading “When a Windfall Comes Your Way”

March 4th, 2020

A Roth IRA’s Many Benefits

Why do so many people choose them over traditional IRAs? The IRA that changed the whole retirement savings perspective. Since the Roth IRA was introduced in 1998, its popularity has soared. It has become a fixture in many retirement planning strategies for our clients here at Kendall Capital because it offers savers so many potential … Continue reading “A Roth IRA’s Many Benefits”

February 20th, 2020

Tax Considerations for Retirees

Are you aware of these potential tax breaks and tax-saving opportunities? The federal government offers some major tax breaks for older Americans. Some of these benefits deserve more publicity than they receive. With frequent changes to the tax code, we encourage you to reach out to an advisor at Kendall Capital and a tax professional … Continue reading “Tax Considerations for Retirees”