Financial Services Blog

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  • December 16, 2016

    Higher Rates: The Tempest in the Teapot

    After months of speculation, the Federal Reserve Board (the Fed) decided to raise its benchmark interest rate this week. The U.S. economy is humming along, the stock market is booming and the unemployment rate has fallen faster than anybody expected. The incoming Trump administration has promised lower taxes and a ...
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  • December 14, 2016

    Tax & Estate Planning Update for Married Same-Sex Couples

    The 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges Supreme Court decision streamlined tax and estate planning for married gay and lesbian couples. If you are filing a joint tax return for 2016 or thinking about updating your estate plan, we have some important things to remember. You can file jointly for 2016 if you ...
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  • December 05, 2016

    Should You Care What the Market Does Each Day?

    Investors are people, and our high tech society often causes people to become impatient. No one likes to wait in line or wait longer than they have to for something, especially when so much is just a click or two away. This impatience also manifests itself in the equities markets. When ...
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  • November 18, 2016

    Kendall Capital’s Year-End Financial Checklist

    Year’s end always makes us think about last-minute things we must address and New Year’s resolutions. At Kendall Capital, we have developed seven areas of your financial life to think about as we head in to 2017. Your investments. Review your approach to investing and make sure it suits your objectives. ...
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  • November 14, 2016

    Mutual Funds and Capital Gains: Could You Be Making a Costly Mistake?

    If you’re thinking about buying mutual funds before the end of the year, consider this. We’re currently several years into a bull market. Prior to the election, the market had had a broad rally since 2009. Then, Trump defied the odds. In the week following his surprising win, the markets responded ...
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  • November 09, 2016

    President Trump’s Unlikely Victory

    Americans throughout the country are feeling a variety of emotions with the election of President Donald Trump, and financial experts are advising us to prepare for volatility in the investment markets due to the uncertainties ahead. It is helpful to remember that these market gyrations are almost always bad times ...
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  • November 07, 2016

    The Fiduciary Standard

    The Department of Labor is introducing a new rule regarding retirement plan accounts, which will be phased in during 2017 and fully implemented by 2018. Under the new rule, financial professionals who consult retirement savers will be held to a fiduciary standard. In other words, they will have an ethical ...
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  • October 31, 2016

    How Will the Market Respond to the Presidential Election?

    What will happen on Wall Street after November 8? Trying to predict which way the market will go is difficult, even when it comes to a single trading session. Investors may take some cues from the result of the presidential election and push stocks in one direction or another. Could there ...
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  • October 24, 2016

    A Small Change to Social Security in 2017 with a Possible Medicare Premium Hike

    The average Social Security recipient will receive a whopping $5 per month raise next year. In 2017, Social Security’s mean monthly benefit is projected to rise, from the current $1,355, by this scant amount because of low yearly inflation measured by the federal government. Social Security cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs) are tied ...
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  • October 21, 2016

    Now is the Time to Buy an English Pub

    The British pound has had a rough couple of weeks on world markets, losing more than 4% of its value against the dollar in one week and continuing the slide before reaching a 31-year low against the dollar. Part of the problem was a mysterious “flash crash” that sent the ...
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