February 17th, 2016

Avoiding the Pain

There’s no question that we experience emotional pain and anxiety when our portfolios are losing money due to market downturns. Behavioral scientists tell us that we feel losses twice as keenly as positive returns. Other than selling at the wrong time and locking in losses, how do we make these downturns less painful?

February 1st, 2016

The IRS Changes to 529 Plans

Learn about the two new tax perks for these college savings vehicles.

January 15th, 2016

The Latest Shake-Up? What the Future Holds for the Global Market in 2016

Global Impacts of Shifts in the Chinese Market – Fear or Fallacy? While globalization brings a host of benefits to us all on a daily basis, the far-reaching nature of its effects can often also deliver headache, drama, and panic, particularly at the financial and economic levels. For example, when China closed its markets in … Continue reading “The Latest Shake-Up? What the Future Holds for the Global Market in 2016”