January 19th, 2022

Is Inflation Peaking?

One lesser-known indicator is called the Baltic Dry Index. We know our middle-class millionaire clients see it in prices at the grocery store and the gas station and feel it in their monthly budget. So why don’t the financial markets seem too concerned about inflation? Remember, financial markets are considered “discounting mechanisms,” meaning they are … Continue reading “Is Inflation Peaking?”

December 14th, 2021

Eight Money Moves to Jumpstart Your Financial Health in 2022

For many, the new year is a time of renewal and reinvention, which makes it the perfect time to optimize your personal finances for 2022 and beyond. What financial, business, or life priorities do you need to address in the new year? Here are some ideas on how to get started: Review your financial plan. … Continue reading “Eight Money Moves to Jumpstart Your Financial Health in 2022”

December 6th, 2021

2022 Contribution Limits

Is it time to contribute more? Preparing for retirement for Middle-Class Millionaires just got a little more financial wiggle room. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recently announced new contribution limits for 2022. Staying put for 2022 are traditional Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs), with the limit remaining at $6,000. The catch-up contribution for traditional IRAs remains … Continue reading “2022 Contribution Limits”

November 16th, 2021

Year End Tax Planning for Middle-Class Millionaires

It is time to start thinking about moves that may help lower your tax bill for this year and next. This year’s planning is more challenging than usual due to the uncertainty surrounding pending legislation that could, among other things, increase top rates on both ordinary income and capital gain starting next year. Whether or … Continue reading “Year End Tax Planning for Middle-Class Millionaires”

November 4th, 2021

Social Security: Take or Delay?

Most American workers who have at least 10 years of work history will be able to start taking Social Security benefits as soon as they reach age 62. But should they? Some years back, there was considerable debate about whether a person was better off receiving the monthly checks early and investing them in the … Continue reading “Social Security: Take or Delay?”

November 4th, 2021

QCDs to the Rescue

When the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act raised the standard deduction for taxpayers to $24,000 for couples ($12,000 for singles), and lowered individual tax rates, an unintended consequence was to reduce the tax benefits of making charitable donations. Fewer taxpayers were itemizing, which means their donations didn’t count as deductions. Itemizing taxpayers—including people who … Continue reading “QCDs to the Rescue”

October 18th, 2021

Inflated COLA

Reports from the Federal Reserve, which sets interest rate policy in the U.S., have famously told us that the current inflation that we’re experiencing is “transitory” despite a lot of data that might seem contradictory.  (Has anybody seen gas prices lately?  Has anybody tried to buy a house in this market?) The current labor shortage … Continue reading “Inflated COLA”

September 21st, 2021

Are Your Taxes Going to Change?

Wise investors take the “big picture” view. Many of our Middle-Class Millionaire clients have heard what’s brewing in Washington, D.C., often referred to as The Build Back Better Act, the $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation bill, or the Jobs and Economic Recovery Plan for Working Families. Regardless of what name you’ve heard, one fact is clear: … Continue reading “Are Your Taxes Going to Change?”

August 12th, 2021

Managing your Health Savings Account Effectively in your Estate Planning

Health Savings Accounts, called HSAs for short, function differently than most other kinds of accounts. We call them financial planning “unicorns” because of how differently they’re handled from a tax and estate planning standpoint. During your lifetime, an HSA can be a very effective savings tool for funding medical expenses, especially since the IRS allows … Continue reading “Managing your Health Savings Account Effectively in your Estate Planning”

July 19th, 2021

The Pros and Cons of Early Retirement Plan Rollovers

Should you withdraw and reinvest your retirement plan money while you are still on the job? Did you know you may be able to take your 401(k), 403(b), or 457 plan and roll it into another type of retirement account while you are still working? We often have clients here at Kendall Capital wondering if … Continue reading “The Pros and Cons of Early Retirement Plan Rollovers”