June 18th, 2019

Helping Aging Parents Manage Financial Responsibilities

How can you make things easier on them later in life?  The number of people aged 60 and older is growing. By 2050, this demographic will be more than twice as large as it was in 2015. Many of these seniors will face financial challenges as they age whether it’s analyzing their accounts or simply … Continue reading “Helping Aging Parents Manage Financial Responsibilities”

June 11th, 2019

Retirement and Supporting Your Adult Children

Subsidizing family can put a crimp in your strategy. Families are one of the great joys in life, and part of the love you show to your family is making sure that their basic needs are met. While that’s only to be expected from birth through the high school years, many households are helping their … Continue reading “Retirement and Supporting Your Adult Children”

May 29th, 2019

Keep Calm, Stay Invested

Recent headlines have added volatility to the markets. There will always be new headlines, and any of them could mean turbulence for Wall Street. As an investor and retirement saver, how much will this turmoil matter to you in the long run? Not as much as you may expect. There are many good reasons to … Continue reading “Keep Calm, Stay Invested”

May 21st, 2019

Options and Benefits of Roth IRA Contributions

If you own an Individual Retirement Account (IRA), you may have heard about Roth IRA conversions. Converting your traditional IRA to a Roth IRA can make a lot of sense depending on your situation. But remember, consulting with your financial advisor here at Kendall Capital before making financial decisions is always a good idea.      … Continue reading “Options and Benefits of Roth IRA Contributions”

May 20th, 2019

The Problem of Money Paralysis

Not making a move is not always the best move to make.  A decision not made may have financial consequences. Sometimes, we fall prey to a kind of money paralysis, in which financial indecisiveness is regarded as a form of “safety.” Retirement seems to amplify this tendency. If you are single and retired, you may … Continue reading “The Problem of Money Paralysis”

April 16th, 2019

Planning to Retire Within the Next 5 Years?

What should you concentrate on as the transition approaches? You can prepare for your retirement transition years before it occurs. In doing so, you can do your best to avoid the kind of financial surprises that tend to upset an unsuspecting new retiree.   How much monthly income will you need? Look at your monthly expenses … Continue reading “Planning to Retire Within the Next 5 Years?”

March 22nd, 2019

Interesting Investment Facts & Lessons Learned

If you’re a dedicated market geek with plenty of time on your hands, you can uncover some very interesting things about stock market history and perhaps learn some interesting lessons from them. Below is a snapshot of some of them: Since 1916, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (which predates the S&P 500 index and has … Continue reading “Interesting Investment Facts & Lessons Learned”

March 21st, 2019

The Importance of Aligning Your Investing With Your Principles

Do your investment choices echo your outlook? Are they in agreement with your values? These questions may seem rather deep when it comes to deciding what to buy or sell, but some great investors have built fortunes by investing according to the ethical, moral, and spiritual tenets that guide their lives.         Sir John Templeton … Continue reading “The Importance of Aligning Your Investing With Your Principles”

February 15th, 2019

Are One-Percenters Rich or Comfortable?

What would you have to make to be a one-percenter? That is, to have an income in the upper one percent of the population, in the U.S., Singapore, China, Brazil, England or Australia. The answer, of course, differs in every country. At the bottom of the scale, someone earning $81,000 a year in India is … Continue reading “Are One-Percenters Rich or Comfortable?”

February 6th, 2019

The Difference Between Mutual Funds and ETFs

If you are new to the investing world, you may be wondering what the difference between mutual funds and exchange-traded funds are. While there are similarities between the two, the differences could determine whether one or the other, or a mix of both, makes the most sense for you. It’s quite important to understand the … Continue reading “The Difference Between Mutual Funds and ETFs”