Financial Services Blog

Insights into various financial topics are provided on our blog. Please bookmark this page for your reference.

  • June 23, 2021

    Ways to Ease the Cost of College

    How much could a college education cost in the 2030s? Those of you with kids may want to take a deep breath and sit down before reading the next paragraph.  A MassMutual analysis projects that four years of tuition, room, and board at a private college will cost nearly $369,000 ...
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  • May 20, 2021

    How COVID-19 Caused a “She-Cession”

    Since the 1980s, unemployment rates have trended higher amongst men than women during a recession. In previous periods of economic downturn, this made sense. Male-dominated industries like construction and finance were the sectors most heavily impacted by a recession, when trade and industrial activity declines. But with the onset of COVID-19, ...
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  • April 22, 2021

    Measuring the Value of a Financial Advisor at Kendall Capital

    Study suggest that these relationships can make a difference.   What is a relationship with a financial professional at Kendall Capital worth to an investor? We get this question a lot when we start a relationship with our middle-class millionaire clients here at Kendall Capital. A 2019 study by Vanguard, one of ...
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  • March 16, 2021

    Habits of Successful Clients

    The process of making healthy changes is all about encouraging good habits in ourselves. Taking the stairs instead of the elevator, eating at home instead of eating out… every little good habit you can pick up along the way helps. Well, the same goes for making healthy financial changes. Good ...
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  • March 03, 2021

    Tax Efficiency in Retirement

    What role should taxes play in your investment decisions?    As a Middle-Class Millionaire it is important to be well informed of tax laws and how they can affect your investments. Along with a tax professional, we help our clients with the intricacies of taxes and how they play a role ...
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  • February 17, 2021

    Tax Filing Season Is a Little Later This Year

    What to know and dates to remember As we enter tax season, we encourage you to reach out to your advisor here at Kendall Capital for any forms or may need or questions you have as you prepare your taxes. Recently, the Internal Revenue Service (I.R.S.) announced that tax season will ...
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  • February 16, 2021

    Retirement Questions That Have Nothing to Do With Money

    Think about these factors before you leave work for the last time. Retirement planning is not entirely financial. Although we help our Middle-Class Millionaire clients with their financial plans and wealth management to ensure a happy and fulfilling retirement, the degree of happiness in your “second act” may depend on some ...
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  • January 22, 2021

    Kendall Capital’s New Micro-cap Strategy

    Many high-net-worth and affluent individuals and families have begun following the lead of institutional investors – allocating part of their portfolios to alternative investments such as private equity (PE), venture capital (VC) or hedge funds. To satisfy this demand, most major PE firms and many diversified asset managers have been ...
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  • January 20, 2021

    2020 IRA Deadlines Are Approaching

    Here is what you need to know. Financially, many Middle-Class Millionaires associate April with taxes – but we should also associate April with important IRA deadlines.   April 15, 2021 is the deadline to take your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) from certain individual retirement accounts. Your advisor at Kendall Capital can help you ...
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  • December 17, 2020

    Annual Financial To-Do List

    Things you can do for your future as the year comes to and end. What financial, business, or life priorities do you need to address for the coming year? Now is an excellent time for Middle-Class Millionaires think about the investing, saving, or budgeting methods you could employ toward specific objectives, ...
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